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Mental Health Outreach

Mental Health Outreach Program

MHO is a program for children, youth and families who are experiencing significant mental health concerns and have been referred by their clinician at Child and Youth Mental Health. The MHO counselors assist and support children and youth with ongoing emotional and/or behavior issues through outreach and counseling activities that promote healthy functioning within the home and community, in addition to supporting parent’s with identifying new strategies for increasing parental capacity.

Program Features

  • A counseling approach that is tailored to the needs of the family served
  • Counseling and support with various family members in the client home
  • Activity based work with child in the community
  • No fees – funded by the Ministry of Children and Family Development
  • Provides service in Nanaimo and Ladysmith
  • Daytime and evening appointments available
  • Home or office based appointments available

What to Expect

Mental health concerns involve and impact every member of the family. This “family systems” perspective informs our thinking about the presenting problem and guides our efforts to be helpful to the family concerned. The MHO Counselor will meet with the CYMH Clinician and family for an initial intake meeting. An initial goal-setting contract is also developed at that time. Progress and goals are reviewed every 6 weeks with the family, clinician and MHO Counselor in order to address any changes in goals and review evolving strategies that address the needs of the family.

Our Staff

All staff possess university degrees and have training in family systems counselling. All staff are experienced working with youth and are knowledgeable of the impact mental health concerns can have on individual’s ability to manage at home and in the community. The MHO Counselors maintain an up-to-date knowledge of the latest developments in the fields of individual and family therapy, and participate in regular supervision.


Counseling can take place in the home, MHO office or in the community through various outreach activities. Every family is unique and the nature of MHO involvement reflects an approach that is tailored to the needs of the family served, therefore the number and length of sessions each week will vary with each family’s situation.