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Sexual Abuse Intervention Program

Sexual Abuse Intervention Program (SAIP)

The SAIP Program provides a complementary pairing of prevention and treatment services. The goal is to lessen the impact of trauma associated with sexual abuse for the referred children and their families in the Nanaimo/Ladysmith area. Our approach is strength-based and collaborative when working with referred clients, caregivers and other service providers. Clinical services provide for full screening and assessment and the implementation of cognitive, systemic and behavioral interventions to optimize client functioning in the home, school and community setting.

Program Features

  • Complete screening and assessment of the referred client and family
  • Client centered plan designed to achieve individual treatment and program goals
  • Health education and referral to community resources
  • Education and consultation services to schools, service providers and community groups

Desired Client Outcomes

  • A reduction in psycho-social challenges related to sexual abuse
  • Symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder are reduced, personal functioning is improved
  • Client connection to supportive systems, (family, social, community) will be strengthened

Our Staff

SAIP is staffed by registered clinical counselors with specialized training in the field of expressive arts therapy and have extensive experience working with individuals and families who have experienced sexual abuse. The SAIP Counselors maintains an up-to-date knowledge of the latest developments in the fields of individual and family therapy, and participates in regular supervision. Confidentiality is strictly maintained in all cases.

Access to Program

Children and youth under the age of 19 who have disclosed sexual abuse or sexual exploitation that may have been reported to the Ministry of Children and Family Development and/or the RCMP, and/or have sexual behavior problems and are under the age of 12.