Welcome to NARSF Programs Ltd.
Nanaimo and Area Resource Services for Families was created in 1990 and renamed NARSF Programs Ltd. in 1999, NARSF is a multi-service agency that delivers child, youth, family, and harm reduction services on Central Vancouver Island, British Columbia. Our services are provided through funding from the Ministry of Children and Family Development and Island Health.
Staff at NARSF are continually inspired by the efforts of children, youth, families and individuals to live their lives to the fullest abilities, skills and aspirations. Our goal is to provide strength-based programs and services that build upon the inherent wisdom of people’s experience in relationships, family and community. Please contact us for more information on our children, youth and family services.
Our Programs & Services
Services and programs through NARSF include: Living in Families with Teens (a parent-teen counseling program), the Domestic Violence Response Program, Eating Disorders and Sexual Abuse Intervention Program, Mental Health Outreach for children and youth, Transitions Withdrawal Management and Stabilization Program, and CVI Harm Reduction Services for individuals at risk to blood borne diseases and other healthy issues. Pre post HIV testing is available on a drop in basis. For more information on these programs please click on the respective links from the menu on the left.
Latest Press Release
Health Matters Clinic Now Open
NARSF Programs is excited to announce the opening of the Health Matters Clinic. Health Matters! is a confidential sexual health clinic providing free testing and treatment services for HIV, HCV
STOP HIV-Prevent, Test, Treat!
HIV Testing in Nanaimo!
NARSF Programs through Island Health Funding is able to offer free, confidential HIV testing.