- Local Resources for Families and Individuals
- Eating Disorders
- Sexual Abuse Intervention
- Support for Parents and Youth
- Central Vancouver Island Harm Reduction Services
Parents Together
A local self-help/support program offered in Nanaimo for parents experiencing parent/teen conflict.
BC Council for Families
The BC Council for Families has valuable parenting information and support on a wide range of topics.
Discovery Youth and Family Substance Use Services
Discovery Youth and Family Substance Use Services are free and available to anyone in the community directly or indirectly negatively impacted by substance use.
The Impact of Substance Abuse Stigma and How to Challenge it in Our Communities
New video from Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse CCSA explores the impact of substance abuse stigma and how to challenge it in our communities.
bgc of Central Vancouver Island
Provides before and after school care for children and youth, summer day camp programs, teen drop in centre and parenting programs.
Legal Aid BC
Legal Aid BC is a non-profit organization that provides legal information, advice, and representation services.
Kw’umut Lelum Child and Family Services
Kw’umut Lelum Child and Family Services (Kw’umut Lelum) is an Aboriginal Society dedicated to the well-being of all children in its nine member Nations. Its mission is to work towards children’s right to live with dignity, the integrity of the family, the parents right to care for their children, within the standards of the community.
Nanaimo Youth Services Association
Offers programs and services to youth in Nanaimo, such as the Youth Employment Centre, One-Stop Youth Drop in centre and BladeRunners program as well as Youth Housing and Supportive Living programs.
Nanaimo Family Life Association
Established to enhance the quality of life for families living in Nanaimo and area by providing support, educational, preventative programs and referral services to the community.
Central Vancouver Island Crisis Society
Provides information on local Crisis Line, links to information on the Crisis Counselling walk-in clinic at Brooks’ Landing as well as a database on community resources.
Ministry of Children and Family Development
The ministry supports the well-being of children, youth and families in British Columbia.
Triple P Vancouver Island
Triple P program information, factsheets and contact information for Triple P providers on Vancouver Island.
Vancouver Island Health Authority
Adult Mental Health and Addiction Services
Rainbows BC
Free educational support group for children and families suffering loss of parents through death, divorce/separation, or abandonment.
Eating Disorders
National Eating Disorder Information Centre
A Canadian, non-profit organization, established in 1985 to provide information and resources on eating disorders and weight preoccupation.
Canadian Mental Health Association
Information on Eating Disorders
National Eating Disorders Association
Dedicated to providing education, resources and support to those affected by eating disorders.
BC Mental Health and Substance Use Services Provincial Services Program
The Provincial Specialized Eating Disorder Program at BC Children’s Hospital is a comprehensive, interdisciplinary, specialized program to assess and treat children and adolescents with eating disorders.
Sexual Abuse Intervention Programs
Sources – Mid-Island Sexual Assault Services – Call 250-228-2273
MISAS is an outreach program for survivors of recent and historical sexual violence.
Mary Manning Centre – Victoria Child Abuse and Counselling Centre
Provides resources and information to parents and families affected by sexual abuse
Here To Help BC
Information and fact sheet for families affected by sexual abuse.
Support for Parents and Youth
BC Council for Families
Provides research and resources on family issues.
Parent Support Services of BC
A non-profit, volunteer-based society whose mandate is to prevent child abuse and to promote healthy relationships by supporting parenting, families and communities. Parent Support Services is based in Vancouver, with regional offices in Victoria, the Nanaimo area, and Prince George.
The Children of Parents with a Mental Illness Initiative (COPMI)
The COPMI (Children of Parents with a Mental Illness) national initiative develops information for parents, their partners, carers, family and friends in support of these children. This information complements online training courses developed by COPMI for professionals to support families either individually or through community services and programs.Canadian Mental Health Association. The Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA), BC Division exists to promote the mental health of British Columbians and support the resilience and recovery of people experiencing mental illness.
Youth in BC
Vancouver based crisis call centre for youth in BC, provides crisis support online through their chat program. Site provides helpful information and resources on stress, bullying, suicidal ideation and other mental health concerns for teens.
Here to Help
Here to Help is a part of seven leading provincial mental health and addictions nonprofit agencies working together as the BC Partners for Mental Health and Addictions Information. Since 2003, they’ve combined their efforts to help individuals and families better manage mental health and substance use problems.
The Anxiety Disorder Association of British Columbia (AnxietyBC™)
A non-profit organization, who work to increase awareness about anxiety disorders; promote education of the general public, affected persons, and health care providers; and increase access to evidence-based resources and treatments.
Mind Your Mind
An award winning site for youth by youth. This is a place where youth can get info, resources and the tools to help manage stress, crisis and mental health problems.
Federal Government website for youth
Source for information about programs and services available for youth at the community level and beyond.
Central Vancouver Island Harm Reduction Services
Aids Vancouver IslandOptions for Sexual Health
Pivot Legal Society
Vancouver Area Network of Drug Users
CMHA Homeless Outreach
Hiiye’yu’Lelum (House of Friendship, Cowichan Valley)
Alberni Community and Women’s Services Society
Listing of Drug Rehab Programs in British Columbia
Clearview Detox, Nanaimo, BC
Island Health Mental Health and Substance Use Services
BC Housing
Ministry of Housing and Social Development